It’s finally the moment that I’ve been trying to prepare myself for for about three months now. Finals are over, and I am sitting in my empty side of the dorm room. My tiny Honda Civic is stuffed with the former contents of my room. The realization that I will not be coming back next semester is sinking in rapidly.
It’s a weird feeling. It’s been an absolutely incredible semester – by far, the best yet. I’m sad to say goodbye to good friends and to leave behind my wonderful college town, but at the same time, I am so excited. I’m excited to spend the holidays with my family and friends in Little Rock. I’m excited to start my winter accounting internship on Monday. I’m excited for the New Year, and of course I’m excited to live in Toulouse in just two short months.
I finally booked my ticket. I will officially be leaving for Toulouse on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2012 and returning June 29, 2012. After I arrive, I will have one day to get adjusted to my new environment. Then, I will attend the orientation meeting for exchange students on Friday and begin a French intensive course the following Monday. I will be staying in France an extra few weeks after my semester ends in early June to travel around France with my family who will be coming to visit. I also hope to visit other friends that will be studying abroad in Europe during the summer.
I also planned my trip to Houston to get my visa. Most of the major planning is out of the way, but I know there is still a lot to do. Luckily I have about two months. Until then, I am going to enjoy my break and the wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas!!
So much fun! Have a Merry Christmas and safe and fun travels. Can't wait to read about your adventures!